Hello 2021!


We hope that you had a Happy Hanukkah, a Merry Christmas, a Joyous Kwanzaa, and finally a Happy New Year! Last year was not for the faint at heart. It tried us and hopefully stretched us a little too. 

I stretched myself in the last quarter of 2020. It was when I finally decided to more formally sell my personalized items. I had made items for friends and family as one off projects, but this was my way to say; hey, I make stuff, and if you like it, it's available for purchase. I was full of doubt, but the response I received from my 12 Days of Christmas offerings was unexpected, and often times, overwhelming, but I soldiered through and loved every minute. Okay, maybe I didn't love the nights when I thought something that would take a couple hours tripled that time, and I was trying to get to my bed before the sun came up.

The idea came from a simple shirt I designed for my Chic Lady's Man after the passing of Rep. John Lewis. I asked if he would wear a shirt that said, "Good Trouble," from a famous quote from Rep. Lewis.  He wore it to church during a live stream and it blew up from there!

My Chic Lady's Man and husband 😍

Then I posted a picture of my take on the popular music plaque and people began to inquire about how to get one. It was then that I realized that I wasn't the only one who loved personalized items and that I might... could... probably... possibly... do this as a business. There's a lot more to learn...there's certainly more to the business side of crafting that I have to put into practice, but hey, I'm here, and I'm going to stick with it.  I have goals and ambitions for Chic Lady Crafts, and I hope you stick around to see those goals achieved.

Order your personalized music plaque here: Chic Lady Crafts Order Form. 

Much love and many blessings for the New Year! May blessings on blessing abound.

Stay Chic,



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