12 Days of Christmas...Day 11

We're close to the end of our 12 Days of Christmas with Day 11! Can I just pause to say that I am proud of myself. Keeping up with these 12 Days have not been without its challenges. Blogging is hard, remember? However, I love making personalized items and how special they make people feel when they receive them so that is my motivation to keep posting. 

So for Day 11 we have just the thing that every party needs...an invitation.

Electronic invitation to my son's first birthday party, and the motivation for our Christmas decor theme.

Sometimes the electronic invitation platforms just don't have the design and look you're going for. I often design the invitations myself for my sons's birthdays because I usually come up with an original theme and design an invitation to match. We can work with you to customize an invitation special to your event. The cool thing is that if you are still into paper invitations, they can be printed! 

Contact us for a quote here: Chic Lady Crafts Order Form. 

My oldest son's third birthday fell on election day and we had a lot of fun with this theme.

Day 11 rolls right into our Day 12 offering. Can you guess what it is? Come back tomorrow to find out!

Stay Chic,



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